ASCLS-MS Call for Nominations

Become involved!  If you or someone you know is interested in being involved in ASCLS-MS as an elected board official, consider the open positions available now.

The following positions will be opening:

  • board of Directors - 3 positions open (3-year terms - 2025-2028)

  • President-Elect - 2-Year Term (2025-2027)

  • Ascending Professional - 1-YEAR term (one opening)

  • Nominations CommitteE (2 positions for two years) - Chair and committee member - 2025-2027

The nomination form must be received by the ASCLS-MS Nominations Committee Chair by Friday, February 14, 2025, at 5:00 p.m. The Nominations Committee is charged with reviewing qualifications for eligiblity for the position and publishing a slate of candidates by Monday, February 17. Please use the following form to self-nominate as well.


The election will take place at the ASCLS-MS Meeting business at the 2025 Bistate meeting in Lafayette, LA. Nominations will be made from the floor by any voting member for all candidate positions that are not filled by nomination form at the time of the business meeting.